Tuesday 30 April 2013

Spring Sun

The SK's took advantage of the sunny warm weather to enjoy some outdoor play time.  Good thing too as it is pouring rain today and we are inside.  For a change the playground was nice and dry so students spent time playing on the music wall, digging holes, building structures in the sand, etc.  We even had a surprise visitor poke his head out to see what we were up to.

Building the Leaning Tower of Pisa

 Stretching our legs
Counting all the rocks in the playground

Looking for seeds

Playing music on the music wall and singing 'Jingle Bells'

Walking the tightrope

Check out this furry member of KG School who seems to be living under the shed near our playground.  Can you see him?  He came out to see what all the noise was about and then promptly ran away.  He was too curious though and kept sneaking back to check out the action.

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