Wednesday 10 April 2013

Little Gardeners

Now that Spring is here, students in both JK and SK are trying their hands at gardening. Students have been exploring the new sensory box, scooping up beans and 'planting' silk flowers. 

The materials must have been very authentic looking because one of the students who was at the water table thought they would be helpful by watering the flowers with the watering can :)  Needless to say we had to lay out the beans to dry so they didn't go moldy and we could use them again.

We  have been reading different versions of Jack and the Beanstalk and decided to plant our own bean seeds.  Every student had their own plastic cup that they filled with soil and 2 bean seeds.  The plastic cup will let them see what is happening as their seed grows.

In keeping with the story, we placed a skewer in each cup with a castle in the clouds attached to the top.  As our bean seeds grow, we will train the plant to climb the skewer to the castle. 


We took a poll to see how long we thought it would take for the seeds to grow.  The estimates went from 1 day to 20 days.  Stay tuned for more information.

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