Friday 26 April 2013

Making Colour Discovery Bottles

In keeping with our exploration into colour mixing in JK and our book study of Mouse Paint, we thought we would try to make colour discovery bottles.  I found an idea on Pinterest that involved using coloured water and coloured candle oil.  Finding coloured candle oil was a challenge and the results weren't exactly what we had hoped for.  Most of the class wanted to make purple but we did have one student that picked green and one who picked orange.

For the students making purple we used blue candle oil and red water which looked like this before it was sealed.  We sealed the bottles with a glue gun and then everyone shook up their bottles.

We had fun shaking them but we didn't get the full mixture of colours that we thought we would get.  We could see the layers of coloured oil and water and thought they would mix up and make our secondary colour when we shook the bottle and then separate again when the two layers settled.  We did get some colour mixing but only near the top.  It was still fun to experiment and see what would happen.

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