Tuesday 19 February 2013

Projector Snow

We have been studying snow and ice in our inquiry over the last few weeks.  I came across a link to this video in a blog I follow called Transforming Our Learning Environment Into a Space of Possibilities and looked forward to showing the class.

It is called Projector Snow by Brian Maffitt.  He created this video on February 9th, 2013 during a blizzard in New York City.  He pointed a video projector out of his window and projected a movie onto the snow.  He said these are the results in motion. 

We watched the video a couple of times and we were all mesmerized by the colours.  I asked the children what they thought of the video and what it made them think of while they watched it.  Here are a few of their comments:

Looks like fireworks - Julian
Looks like it is raining candy - Griffin
It looks like a blue bird flying - Cooper
The red looks like a glowing case for the snow - Evan
It looks like candy the way it sticks together - Gage
I could see a mouth and a face when it swirled together - Tyler
The snow glowed because it was in the dark - Zach

Check it out and enjoy.

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