Monday 11 February 2013

Celebrating 100 Day

Today the SK's celebrated 100 days of school.  We did different activities throughout the day to celebrate the number 100.  I told them that one of the things that we would do today would be to read 100 books.  They were a bit skeptical at first, wondering if we would take a break for lunch or not :)The SK's discovered that it isn't really that hard to get to 100 if everyone reads 4-5 books each over the course of the day.

We made a mural of 100 animals that we cut out and glued on a BIG piece of paper.  We played 100 board game race where they rolled the dice and then bingo dabbed their way to 100.

We counted 100 pieces of lego and then created something with those pieces.  We painted a picture using q-tips and paint and counted by 10's to 100. 

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