Thursday 15 November 2012

Snakes Alive

Today we had Abbie and Krystal from Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre here to do a presentation on snakes.  They talked about the wetlands around Oak Hammock Marsh and the types of wildlife and plants found there.  Abbie talked about the different kinds of snakes that live there such as the red-sided garter snake and the hognose snake.  The students got to look at and touch a snake skin and an egg from a snake.  They played a game where the snake chased a frog and made their own snake out of beads and pipecleaners.  The highlight was when they pretended to be a hognose snake acting out some of the ways they avoid their predators - hiding, pretending to be a big scary cobra and playing dead.
Check out their website for more information and programs for kids.

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