Tuesday 23 April 2013

More Giant Measurement

Continuing with measurement this week in SK, students cut out the giant's hand and compared it to their own hands.

We selected 4 different materials and estimated how many of each it would take to cover the giant's hand.  Then the groups worked together to cover as much of the hand as possible.  We discovered that it was easier to cover the giant's hand with smaller size materials - but much harder to count.

From smallest number to greatest number we found out:
  • It took 34 dinosaurs to cover the giant's hand.
  • It took 54 cubes.
  • It took 110 lima beans
  • It took 380 black beans.  Whew.

After discussing the results of our measurement activities, many of the students made the connection that the larger the measurement tool they used, the smaller the number would be.  Good thinking SK.

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