Thursday 9 May 2013

What could it be?

A huge box arrived today in kindergarten.

We made some predictions about what might be in this box.  It was nice to see that the students made connections to things that were happening in the room.

  • I think it's a giant doughnut.
  • Maybe lots of doughnuts for all of us.  (the daycare kitchen was making cookies and we could smell it in our room :)
  • I think it might have something to do with our story. (We are reading different versions of 'The Little Red Hen' in class)
  • Could it be flowers?
  • Maybe it's eggs?
  • I think it's a present. (We had a discussion about that with some of them mentioning that it wasn't Christmas time so why would it be a present?)

We opened the box and looked inside.  Not much to see except some styrofoam chips.  We dug into the box and found an interesting container.  It had stuff that "looked like peanut butter" inside but most of us thought "Eww."

As we passed it around, we thought that there were tiny, tiny worms or caterpillars in the container.  Immediately everyone was worried that they couldn't breathe.  On closer inspection, they discovered that there were tiny holes in the top that let air in for our new classroom creatures. Thank goodness for that.

It was an awfully large box for that so we had another look and found that there were small containers to put our larvae into and some food.  We also saw this which turned out to be a butterfly house so we can keep them inside until it's warm enough to release them outdoors.

We read this book and learned about the life cycle, looked at the pictures and found out what a chrysalis is. Stay tuned for our observations...

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