Thursday, 28 March 2013


This week in kindergarten we have been creating some Easter art and crafts. We have painted pictures of bunnies with stamps and fingers in JK and using crayons and water colour paint in SK.

We decorated recycled milk cartons with paint, stickers and pipe cleaners, turning them into Easter baskets. 

We decorated eggs with sharpies and then dyed them using koolaid colours as vibrant and sweet smelling dyes and added them to our baskets with Easter grass.  Check out this link for our method: Koolaid Eggs


Fingers crossed that everything made it home in one piece.  Wishing you all a very Happy Easter :)

Monday, 25 March 2013

Spring is here!

 There is a lot to do in Kindergarten these days to celebrate Spring.  We have a new sensory bucket to explore, books to make and spring themed art projects to create.

Learning About Number in JK

The JK's have been engaged in some hands-on learning of their numbers to 10.  They made number booklets matching frogs and lily pads, completed number puzzles and matched numbers to objects.  We sing and dance to a couple of counting videos each day in math too.  Check them out at home.  Try


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Titanic Inquiry

Some of the students have developed a fascination for the Titanic and all the history involved with the famous ship. In SK, students have been writing journal entries about the Titanic. They have been building them during explore and discovery time and are even painting the famous ship at the art table.

Lately, they have been excited to use the iPad and video function to record re-enactments of the ship hitting an iceberg and breaking in half and sinking to the bottom of the ocean.  Very dramatic.

Some of the students are beginning to design their own boats to test at the water table to see if they sink or float.  Stay tuned for the results.

Signs of Spring

As today was the first day of Spring, we talked about the different signs of Spring in our sharing circle.  Most of the signs were met with enthusiasm but some were not.  Here's a few of their comments from this morning.

Spring means:

The snow melts- Noah, Lane

The sun gets hotter - Zach, Cooper

No more snowbanks - Gage

The snow melts and our yard gets wet - Julian

Hockey is over :( - Evan

The snow melts and then we could get flooded just like it did in 1987
(I heard it on the radio) - Dylan

Soccer starts - Griffin

No jackets and snowpants - McKenna

Baseball starts - Tyler

Flowers start to grow in my yard - Tatyana

New rubber boots for the puddles- Mrs. R.

Speaking of spring, we've been trying to grow some apple seeds to see what might happen.  Check it out!  Do you think one of those is an apple seedling?

Friday, 1 March 2013

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

We have been reading Dr. Seuss books all month and celebrated this week with some literacy and art centres.

We played 'One Fish, Two Fish' with special Seuss cards, did a Seuss word sort, used our Seuss apps on the iPads and more.  Thank you to Griffin and Evan for bringing in the Dr. Seuss stencils.  They were awesome!

We dressed in colourful clothes and stripes and made Cat in the Hat hats in SK and Thing 1 and 2 hats in JK.  To celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday on March 2nd, we made some edible crafts.  We made 'green eggs and ham' and the Cat in the Hat's striped hat.  Then we ATE them.  It was so much Seussical fun.